My name is LADY ELIZABETH FEBRINA 레이디 엘리자베스. Welcome to my blog... JESUS bless us ^_^

Friday, September 30, 2011

Hello!!! ^_^

Dear readers,
My name is Lady Elizabeth Febrina. I’m from Indonesia, the largest archipelago in the world. Well, people are more familiar with Bali Island as the tropical Paradise than the country itself. I'm student at SMK Kolese Batam. I majored in information technology.
The existence of a informatics technology worker is still something that people overlook in Indonesia. The mindset “Hey! Why do you sit in the front of your computer all day long? Go outside, lazy boy! Find a real job and get sweaty!” is still a very popular mindset here in my country.
But it’s okay. I don’t mind working in quiet gold mine anyway.
I live in Batam Island with my beloved Dad,Mom,Brother and Sister. My Dad works in Budi Kemuliaan Hospital. My Mom works in Salomo School (Kindergarten & Play Group). But even though most of her time is used for the kids and work, she is also servants of God with my dad and me.
Best Regards,
Lady Elizabeth Febrina.