My name is LADY ELIZABETH FEBRINA 레이디 엘리자베스. Welcome to my blog... JESUS bless us ^_^

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Letter to God

Dear LORD...
Thank You so much for everything You have done in my life and my loved ones. Praise the Lord!

Jesus please give me stranght and wisdom as well patience. I know You have a great plan for me a plan to prosper me and not to harm me but with daily stress and worlds pressure I am getting weak. I know when fear knocks the door ask faith to open the door. Jesus it's just that I am so wanting to live a life where I can wake up with a smile and praising You and the day flows with happiness and joy and finish with praising You and thanking You for a wonderful day..
You know my heart desire.

I do surrender to Your will because no one knows better for me than You do and no one have authority over me my soul and my life besides You. Jesus if it's not Your will please take away this desire from my heart that I want to go home and please help me with the life here. Jesus, You are my only Saviour. I know I'm not perfect, I have hurt You so many times, forgive me Lord.
I can't act I'm happy when 100 things in my head. Everyone that I trusted is moving away and I'm happy because they are moving forward towards their future but I feel I'm stuck and I have no direction. Day by day I feel I'm losing so many days and i"m getting weaker. I can't wait to be happy. You know when something good happen to me, I always glorify You to others and make an example saying wait on the Lord and He will bring you up. I will wait for Your guidance and I'm still with full faith know You will bring me forward way better than what I thought. You could change everything within a blink of eyea please make me understand.

Thank You Jesus for answering my prayer and I will close my eyes now knowing when I open back my life has been changed with abundance of blessing and all my prayers are answered and it's time to wake upwith a smile and praising You my Father.
Jesus, I have full faith in You and I know Your word is unfailing and Your promise is unshaken.

Your Princess,
Lady Elizabeth Febrina

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