My name is LADY ELIZABETH FEBRINA 레이디 엘리자베스. Welcome to my blog... JESUS bless us ^_^

Friday, June 28, 2013

Hanya Ada Satu KAMU

Kamu bukanlah apa kata orang.
Kamu bukanlah bagaimana yang terpancar dari wajah orangtuamu.
Kamu berharga.
Bahkan, tanpa prestasi atau keterampilanmu, kamu tetap berharga.
Kelahiranmu ke dunia inilah yang menjadikan dirimu tak ternilai.
Kamu ada.
Kamu hidup.
Dan itu sudah cukup untuk memperjuangkan keadaanmu.

Jangan merasa rendah diri.
Tuhan tidak pernah membuat produk massal.
Dia membuatmu secara personal.

Buktinya, hanya ada satu Einstein di dunia ini.
Hanya ada satu daVinci.
Satu Beethoven.
Satu Bill Gates.

Dan hanya ada satu kamu.

Makeup doesn’t make you prettier.
Money doesn’t make you richer.
Because real wealth and real beauty depends on how you value yourself.

Beauty is not in the face.
Beauty is a light in the heart.


If you are talking about what makes a person beautiful...
Well, you have heard the expression people say 'Beauty is not forever. It's just a guest for a while.'

Beauty is what's inside of a person, that's beauty and that will live forever. Beauty is in good things that you do. Your nice behavior with others, the way you understand a person, the way you trust a person, the way you love a person, the way you care, the way you share, your honesty and your self-confidence. All of these things make a person beautiful no matter what they look like. Beauty shines from the inside out.

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